Piedmont Newnan Hospital received an ‘A’ Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade for fall 2022, a national designation recognizing Piedmont Newnan’s achievements in protecting patients from preventable harm and error in the hospital.
As the opening week of the season comes to a close for the Covenant men's basketball team, they hold a record of 1-2. Taking on opponents Asbury, Oglethorpe, and Sewanee, Covenant begins the year by facing strong, non-conference match-ups on the road
Piedmont Athens Regional and PetSmart partnered with Safe Kids Athens and the Oconee County Sheriff’s Office to host a “Stuff the Truck” event to collect stuffed animals for pediatric patients visiting Piedmont Athens facilities. More than 200 stuffed animals were donated during the two-hour event.
The event was focused specifically on women who are interested in owning their first hotel or learning about owning hotels in general. It was designed to educate women about how to own a property or business, and promote women who are interested in exploring hotel ownership.
The Cherokee County School District offers 38 Career Pathway high school programs, which provide students with a wide selection of job exploration and preparation electives
Piedmont and its partner OrthoAtlanta are excited to announce the hiring of Gregory Y. LaChaud, M.D., who specializes in orthopedic oncology – making him the first such specialist among the 3,000 physicians in the Piedmont Clinic.
In late 2009, metro Atlanta resident Jermaine Reid was participating in a basketball game at his son’s school when he realized he was having difficulty catching his breath.
Piedmont hospitals, including Piedmont Macon Medical Center and Piedmont Macon North Hospital, have completed their respective Community Health Needs Assessments (CHNAs), which are part of their regulatory responsibility as part of a not-for-profit health system