CPR | Pexels by Raven Domingo
CPR | Pexels by Raven Domingo
Darryl Bagwell was out on a quick lunchtime ride on Dec. 29, 2015, when the cyclist suffered sudden cardiac arrest. His heart had stopped beating. Without CPR and an AED, he would die within minutes.
Then Northside Hospital Forsyth nurse Carrie Stone happened to drive by the scene of Darryl's collapse. In 2016, she spoke to the AJC:
“I was taking my dogs to the vet and saw that a cyclist was down on the road. People had stopped, but he was face down, and on second glance, he had not moved, and no one was doing anything for him. I parked in the median, stopped three lanes of traffic on Highway 20, and ran to see if I could help. The cyclist, who I now know well, was Darryl, an otherwise healthy 55-year-old man who was in cardiac arrest.”
With early CPR followed by early access to an AED, Carrie helped to save Darryl's life.
Watch Darryl and Carrie tell their story here:https://youtu.be/odrf9Agotlg
Northside Hospital Forsyth is collaborating with Avive Solutions Inc. and leaders in Forsyth County, including Central EMS, Forsyth County Fire, Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office, Cumming Police and Forsyth County Emergency Management/911, to improve survival rates of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. The 4 Minute City™ (4MC) Program aims to empower bystander response through increasing the number of AEDs in the community and encouraging the training and awareness of CPR and AED use.
Read the full news release here.
Original source can be found here.