Scott Dutton, Assistant Director of Georgia Bureau of Investigation |
Scott Dutton, Assistant Director of Georgia Bureau of Investigation |
The Registry shows that 20 of these sex offenders are sexual predators. In Georgia, a sexual predator is an individual who is determined by the Sexual Offender Registration Review Board to be at risk of perpetrating any future dangerous sexual offense.
The Registry also shows that 75 of these sex offenders are currently incarcerated.
Sex offenders in Georgia remain on the Sexual Offender Registry for life unless removed by a court order or other legal means. Any individual who fails to register when required “shall be guilty of a felony and shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one nor more than 30 years,” according to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation.
If a sex offender moves to another county in the state of Georgia or another state in the US, they are required to register with the Sheriff in their new county or state of residence., a security think tank, found the number of sex offenders in the US increases by roughly 32,000 a year.
Offender | Status | Crime |
Aaron Cody Helton | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Adam Claude Overby | Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Alfredo Gonzales Jr. | Incarcerated | Attempted rape |
Allan Edward Benoit Richmond | Not Incarcerated | Sexual abuse of a minor |
Allen Greg Sherrill | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Amos Kevins Chumba | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Andre Ryan Lamb | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Andrew Scott Greene | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Anthony Dale Akins | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Anthony Edwards Pitchers | Not Incarcerated | Criminal sexual conduct with a minor |
Anthony John Godfrey | Not Incarcerated | Indecent liberties with a child |
Anthony Lamar Nichols | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Antion Deshawn Jackson | Not Incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Armando Willie Ortiz | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Arnold William McElroy | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Arthur Joseph Chesney | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Arthur Pierce Ward IV | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated assault with an intent to rape |
Barry Edward Dehaven | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Beau James Baker | Not Incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Benjamin Zarzana | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Blake Oneal Dutto | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Bobby Dale Mann | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Bobby Joe Dunn | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Bobby Joe Hoff | Not Incarcerated | Rape |
Bradley Dewayne Akins | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Bradley Earl Drake | Not Incarcerated | Possession of child pornography on computer |
Bradley Lloyd Little | Not Incarcerated | Incest |
Brandon Deon Ross Sr. | Incarcerated | Sexual battery (2nd or subsequent conviction) |
Brandon Lee High | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Brandon Todd Cochran | Not Incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Brent Thomas Pettit | Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Brian Keith Hoosline | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Brian Keith Redman | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Brian Scott Mock | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Burnam Melvin Hall | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Caleb Christopher Sinnott | Not Incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Calvin Delaino Tatum | Not Incarcerated | Rape strongarm |
Carl Michael Janflone | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Carl W. Strickland | Incarcerated | Aggravated sexual battery |
Chadwick Thomas Fitzgerald | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Chancellor Trey Little | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Chandler Daniel McClusky | Not Incarcerated | Criminal attempt to commit a felony |
Charles Christopher Carr | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Charles Henri Deleusomme | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Charles Henry Woodall | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Charles Lee Rolland | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Charles Marion Doughman | Not Incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Charles Middleton Seigler | Not Incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Charles Thomas Eden | Not Incarcerated | Furnishing/distributing obscene material to minors |
Charles Wayne Duvall | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Charlie Warren Smith | Not Incarcerated | Possession of child pornography on computer |
Chaseton Cole Starks | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated assault with an intent to rape |
Chris John Kazanchy | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Christian Mathison | Incarcerated | Enticing a child for indecent purposes |
Christopher Andrew Evans | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Christopher Austin Ringwalt | Not Incarcerated | Criminal attempt to commit child molestation |
Christopher Bryan Junkin | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Christopher David Brown | Not Incarcerated | Enticing a child for indecent purposes |
Christopher James Powell | Not Incarcerated | Lewd or lascivious molestation |
Christopher John Cagle | Not Incarcerated | Federal/military sex crime conviction |
Christopher Michael Donovan | Not Incarcerated | Distribution of child pornography |
Christopher Shaun Daly | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Christopher Shawn Wilson | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Clarence Emory Moss | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Clarence Paul Richards | Not Incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Clayton Barry Burch | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Clayton Eugene Sorrow | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Corey Laron Scott | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Dallas Adam Pittman | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Damien Antonio Fowler | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Daniel Eugene Yarbrough | Not Incarcerated | Federal/military sex crime conviction |
Daniel Joseph Murphy | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Daniel Lamar Hite | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Daniel Mark Ewart | Incarcerated | Possession of child pornography on computer |
Danny Clyde Mauldin | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Darrell Oneal Gainor | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Darrell William Cheney | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Darrin Lee Morgan | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Darryl Edward Fowler | Not Incarcerated | Obscene internet contact - obscene communication |
Davey Lashannon Winters | Incarcerated | Enticing a child for indecent purposes |
David A. Ross | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
David Charles Lovett | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated sexual assault of a child |
David Earl Quinton | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
David Ernest Schutz | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
David Gather Foster | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
David Lavon Turner | Not Incarcerated | Sexual battery (2nd or subsequent conviction) |
David Scott Kramer | Not Incarcerated | Peeping tom |
David Shoun | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
David Wayne Gibbs | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Delmar Michael Ambrose | Incarcerated | Enticing a child for indecent purposes |
Demetric Andre Scott | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Dennis David Blankenship | Not Incarcerated | Sex offense-( use child -sexual perform) |
Derick Clayton Bryant | Not Incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Donald Craig Depew | Not Incarcerated | Criminal attempt to commit child molestation |
Eddie Neal Asano | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Edward Earl Boyd | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Edward Mize Ramsey Jr. | Not Incarcerated | Possession of child pornography on computer |
Eric Christian Belcher | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Eric Dechun Matthews | Not Incarcerated | Sexual abuse 1st degree |
Eric Lamont James | Not Incarcerated | Enticing a child for indecent purposes |
Eric Regan Hicks | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Erik Christopher Vogelsang | Not Incarcerated | Possession of child pornography on computer |
Ernest Eugene Meadows | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Ernesto William Freshour | Not Incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Evertt Howard Coburn | Incarcerated | Aggravated statutory rape |
Frank Shane Pugliese | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Gabriel Ray Anthony | Not Incarcerated | Criminal attempt to commit a felony |
Gary Lee Bullock | Not Incarcerated | Cruelty to children |
Gary Marvin Howard | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Gary Wayne Abernathy | Not Incarcerated | Rape by force or fear |
Gary Wayne Holbrook | Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Gaston Warren | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Glen Harris Scott | Not Incarcerated | Rape |
Grant Eugene Moore | Not Incarcerated | Rape 2nd degree |
Gregory Brian Elrod | Not Incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Harry Milton Moore Jr. | Not Incarcerated | Furnishing/distributing obscene material to minors |
Howard Gregory Azar | Not Incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Hubert Eugene White | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Hubert Womack | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Indira Lelani Gooding | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Isaac Sanchez | Not Incarcerated | Possession of child pornography on computer |
Jack Hyde | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Jackie Leon Rogers | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Jacob P. Yeamans | Not Incarcerated | Possession of child pornography |
James Allen Yeats | Not Incarcerated | Rape |
James Alvin Phillips | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
James Carley Bryan III | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
James Dewayne Ayers | Incarcerated | Sexual assault, (rape 2nd degree) sexual assault (sodomy 2nd degree) sexaul offense- incest |
James Haskell Hill | Not Incarcerated | Sodomy with a minor 3rd degree |
James Marty Fortenberry | Not Incarcerated | Sexual abuse |
James Preston Fowler Jr. | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
James Roy Bryant | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
James Traylor | Not Incarcerated | Criminal attempt to commit child molestation |
Jaquievis Inman Moore | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Jason Keith Barrett | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Jason Lee Bohannon | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Jason Lee Walker | Not Incarcerated | -- |
Jason Robert Fisher | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Jason Steve Boatfield | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Jay Burke Whipple | Incarcerated | Sexual assault |
Jay Todd Skrabanek | Incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Jb Owen | Not Incarcerated | Possession of child pornography on computer |
Jeffery Todd Dover | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Jeffery Wayne Edwards | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Jeffrey Douglas Coleman | Not Incarcerated | Possession of child pornography on computer |
Jeffrey Kyle Hines | Not Incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Jeffrey Radford Greene | Not Incarcerated | Enticing a child for indecent purposes |
Jeffrey Ray Noe | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Jerry Joseph Southern | Incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Jerry Martin McCollum | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Jessica Renea Hughes | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Jimmy Arthur Sellers | Not Incarcerated | Criminal sexual conduct second degree |
Jimmy Dean Welch | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Jimmy Paul Queen Jr. | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Joey William Tims | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
John David Tate | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
John Davis Woodard | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
John Gregory Jaroszynski | Not Incarcerated | -- |
John Jefferson Thurman | Not Incarcerated | Possession of child pornography on computer |
John K. Schreck | Not Incarcerated | Lewd or lascivious molestation |
John Wayne Shook | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
John Wesley Lewis | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
John Wesley Tyler | Incarcerated | Possession of child pornography on computer |
Johnny Lee Summey | Incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Johnny Ray Watson | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Jon Martin Banks | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Jonathan Jerel Thomas | Not Incarcerated | US military federal conviction |
Jonathan Nathaniel Bradford | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Jonathon Clifford James | Not Incarcerated | Sodomy - felony |
Joseph Adam Fairchild | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Joseph Allen Smith | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Joseph Anthony Damico | Not Incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Joseph Paul Bagwell | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Joshua Aaron Callahan | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Joshua Aaron Collins | Not Incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Joshua Allen Myers | Incarcerated | False imprisonment of a minor |
Joshua Brandon McClure | Not Incarcerated | Sexual battery (2nd or subsequent conviction) |
Joshua James Sutter | Not Incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Joshua Jameson Munger | Not Incarcerated | -- |
Joshua Lee Guyton | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Joshua Leigh Edwards | Incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Joshua Lewis Sevcech | Incarcerated | Lewd or lascivious conduct (by a person over 17 years of age) |
Joshua Shane Mogul | Not Incarcerated | Sodomy - felony |
Joshua Thomas Cole | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Juan Carlos Adam | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Juan Luis Lopez Jr. | Not Incarcerated | False imprisonment of a minor |
Justin Jeremy Goltz | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Justin Kyle Ayers | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Justin Ray Dawson | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Keith Pernell Henderson | Not Incarcerated | Criminal sexual conduct 4th degree |
Kenneth Dean Clayton | Not Incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Kenneth James Seabolt | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Kenneth John Acebal | Incarcerated | Possession of child pornography on computer |
Kermit Arward Brinson Jr. | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Kevin Eugene Milam | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Kevin Leroy Wilt | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Kevin Lewis Nichols | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Kevin Ricardo McQueen | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Kwame Melchiezedek Gilliam | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Lance Aaron Stovall | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Lane Alan Gann | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Larry June Corey | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Larry Ross Foster | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Larry William Dobbs | Not Incarcerated | Obscene communication - solicitation of a child |
Lawrence W. Slayton | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Leslie Lamar Southern Jr. | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Logan Alexander Knight | Not Incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Lord James Christopher | Not Incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Lornell Broderick Hellmans | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Louis Clay Brown | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Malcolm Ellis Oliver | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Marc Ashley Gayton | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Marie Little | Not Incarcerated | Incest |
Mario Lewis Dial | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated assault with an intent to rape |
Marion David Barnes | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Marion Hensley Jr. | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Mark Anthony Cumiford | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Mark Anthony White | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Mark James Matheny | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Mark Steven Weatherford | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Matthew Merritt Wilcox | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Matthew Olen Rider | Incarcerated | Aggravated assault |
Matthew Saxton Kennedy | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Melissa Ann Montgomery | Incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Michael David Crider | Not Incarcerated | Possession of child pornography on computer |
Michael Dwayne Kibler | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Michael Edward Rivard | Not Incarcerated | Sexual offense |
Michael Harry Davenport | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Michael Jerome Wyatt | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Michael Lamar Jewell | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Michael Lee Stubbs | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Michael Neal McConnell | Not Incarcerated | Rape |
Michael Patrick Donahue | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Michael Sean Wills | Incarcerated | Possession of child pornography on computer |
Michael Thomas Wheeler | Not Incarcerated | Unlawful sexual activity with a minor |
Michael Tyrone James Jr. | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Mn Yueni Yhuamya Jackson | Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Monte Wayne Selvidge | Not Incarcerated | Federal/military sex crime conviction |
Nathan Eugene Williams | Not Incarcerated | Indecent liberty with a minor |
Nathan Hugh Abernathy | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Nathaniel Lee Burgess-Hardman | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Neil David Moe | Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Neil Eugene Rampley | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Noland Waymon Watson | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Norman Gabriel Hunt | Not Incarcerated | Possession of child pornography on computer |
Patrick Lamont Kellogg | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Paul Alan Timmer | Incarcerated | Sexual assault sodomy with a minor under 16 years of age |
Paul Edward Pennington | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Paul James Hollis Jr. | Not Incarcerated | Rape |
Phillip Michael McCurry | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Ralph Gilbert Keene | Not Incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Randall Lamar Hamrick | Not Incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Randall Preston Burdette | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Randy Chris Stokes | Not Incarcerated | Statutory sodomy in the 2nd degree |
Randy Scott Nichols | Not Incarcerated | Rape |
Raphael Arocho | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Raymond Alton Windham III | Not Incarcerated | Incest |
Raymond Kenneth Watts | Not Incarcerated | Federal/military sex crime conviction |
Reginald Linard Davis | Not Incarcerated | Sexual battery (2nd or subsequent conviction) |
Renol Andrew Prince | Incarcerated | Sexual assault |
Richard Douglas Brown | Not Incarcerated | Trafficking of persons for sexual servitude |
Richard Hunter Watkins | Not Incarcerated | Commit or attempt lewd act on a child |
Richard Michael Ensley | Not Incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Richard W. Daniels | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated sodomy |
Ricky Keith Stephens | Not Incarcerated | Federal/military sex crime conviction |
Ricky Layne Sailes | Not Incarcerated | Rape |
Ricky Lee Sova | Not Incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Ricky Lee Strickland | Not Incarcerated | Cruelty to children |
Ricky Ralph Hobbs | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Robert Andrew Golden | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Robert Andrew Hull | Incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Robert Anthony Cunningham | Not Incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Robert Conrad Allison | Incarcerated | Possession of child pornography on computer |
Robert Gene Carder | Incarcerated | False imprisonment of a minor |
Robert Nathanieal Caldwell | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Robert Noah Nichols | Not Incarcerated | Criminal attempt to commit child molestation |
Robert Reyna Duran | Not Incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Roderick Edward MacDonald | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Ronald Lee Edwards | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Ronnie Merrill Ashby | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Ronnie Paul Poole | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Roosevelt Rankins | Incarcerated | Rape 2nd degree |
Roy Edward Hubert | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Ryan Antwan Richards | Incarcerated | Enticing a child for indecent purposes |
Samuel William London | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Scott Webster Biddy | Incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Shawn Allen Lewis | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Stephanie Michele May | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Stephen Maurice Haynes | Not Incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Steven Aubrey Byers | Not Incarcerated | Criminal attempt to commit a felony |
Steven B. Quick | Incarcerated | Sodomy |
Steven Jones | Not Incarcerated | Sexual battery (2nd or subsequent conviction) |
Steven Leon Burton | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Steven Wayne Reid | Not Incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Teras James Brooks | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated assault |
Terrel Laderrick Morris | Incarcerated | Sodomy - felony |
Thomas James Tims | Not Incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Thomas Jesse Robertson | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Timothy Alan Elliott | Not Incarcerated | Sexual battery (2nd or subsequent conviction) |
Timothy Julius Johnson | Not Incarcerated | Rape |
Timothy Olin Cole | Not Incarcerated | Incest |
Timothy Warren Smith | Not Incarcerated | Possession of child pornography on computer |
Timothy Woodhull Torres | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Tony Ray Robinson | Not Incarcerated | Enticing a child for indecent purposes |
Trinis Nicholas Moore | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Tucker Charles Sartain | Not Incarcerated | Criminal attempt to commit a felony |
Tyler Morgan Hilley | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Ulmer Hamilton Parrish III | Not Incarcerated | Possession of child pornography |
Vernale Rolston Mascall | Incarcerated | Obscene internet contact - obscene communication |
Vincent Allen Miller | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Vincent Donetwuan Hall | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Vincent Lamar Davis | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Waylon Curtis Field | Not Incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
William H. Stover III | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
William Joe Huskins | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
William Johnson | Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
William Joseph Henson | Not Incarcerated | Lewd or lascivious act on a victim under 16 |
William Joseph Murphy | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Zachariah Tyler Buchanan | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Zachary Thomas Pecinovsky | Not Incarcerated | Lewd or lascivious exhibition |