Cherokee High School recently issued the following announcement.
The Cherokee County School District is offering 2022-23 high school students the opportunity to participate in an educational travel experience to explore London and Paris during Spring Break 2023!
A limited number of additional spots have been opened for this district-wide tour announced earlier this year. A virtual informational session will be held at 7 p.m. on Thursday, April 14, 2022. Students are welcome to attend the informational session, but at least one parent or guardian must be in attendance.
Please click this link to see the meeting details and RSVP for your virtual spot: The districtwide trip is the first of its kind for CCSD, and the trip leader is Creekview High School history teacher Morgan Hudson.
Unable to make the meeting but want the details? Click the RSVP link above and select, “No, but send info.”
Original source can be found here.